Content Harry Potter


GBTtown posted a comment on Sunday 23rd February 2014 1:27pm for Chapter-27 — The One

Awesome story, even the second time thru!

Nytefyre posted a comment on Tuesday 9th April 2013 2:57am for Chapter-27 — The One

I truly enjoyed this story - the focus on Remus was superb. Something about the way Harry's thoughts were related seemed very true - there was less orderliness that lent a verisimilitude. The prophecy seemed pretty self-evident - and I'm glad Harry figured it out at the last minute. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel. Thanks for posting!

serenity16 posted a comment on Saturday 5th September 2009 11:19am for Chapter-27 — The One

wow awesome story. Is there a sequal?

ClaMiAl posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd July 2009 1:22pm for Chapter-27 — The One

Wow! What an amazing story! I had a great time reading it. It's very original, with lots of twists and surprises. And all through it, you managed to keep the characters in character and events and reactions and the different characters' points of view believable and realistic.

And there was never a dull moment! So many story have spots where they are just a bit boring, sort of filler parts that are necessary to get to the next exciting bits. But this story had nothing like that! Every chapter had me wanting to go on reading the next one, and frustrated if I had to take a break from reading in order to sleep or go to class. You've done an amazing job with this fic! Thanks so much for writing it!

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Saturday 2nd May 2009 7:46pm for Chapter-27 — The One

First of all, it is quite notable to take any work and carry it this long all the way through to an ending of sorts. This is quite good. I think your best parts are some of the little things that just worked. Some of the ones that come to mind are Frank the snake, the little bug that wouldn't die, Susan and Harry's interest in art, and even the pair of drawn hands.

The prophecy was okay, even though it was easy to figure out before the main characters. The bit about someones son dying seemed a bit forced when it was first introduced, but maybe I miseed an earlier refence.

Again, overall this was quite good. Thanks for sharing it.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much for your feedback.


Lady Alchymia

bajab posted a comment on Saturday 10th January 2009 7:40pm for Chapter-27 — The One

Interesting and engaging, but a bit repetative in places. Well written too.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly!   I do waffle a bit; I'll watch out for that.

Lady Alchymia

webdoc posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 7:07pm for Chapter-27 — The One

Absolutely fandangtastic

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much!

Lady A

Mindy posted a comment on Thursday 13th November 2008 3:44pm for Chapter-27 — The One

Any idea if there are more chapters to this anymore? It's a really good story and I would love to read more!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Mindy,

I'm glad you like the story--thanks!   The summer story is over, but there may be some school year stuff coming.


Lady Alchymia

takon65 posted a comment on Saturday 18th October 2008 5:28am for Chapter-27 — The One


Is this the end of this story? I remember reading it on Ashwinder a while ago, and I really enjoyed it.

I'm also looking forward to you posting Psychomachia, Harry's speech when he picked up the first years was highly enjoyable and one of my favorites in all of fanfiction. I'm looking forward to reading it again.



Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello Sam,

The summer story is finished, but there are a few threads that would  still be fun to explore, and I hope to do so.   Harry and the first years was really enjoyable to write, so I'm delighted you liked it, too.

Many thanks for your kind thoughts!

Lady Alchymia

prongs307 posted a comment on Thursday 9th October 2008 11:52pm for Chapter-27 — The One

hey very good story. I'm just wondering is there going to be more? there is so many plot bunnies and good ideas there that I hope u take it further!?!? well hope to hear from u.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

Thanks again for your compliments.   I'm delighted you enjoy the story.   I have been travellling for a wee while and haven't been doing much writing of late, but those plot bunnies just won't go away for me either :).   I'm keen to see them come to life too.   "When" is an unknown, I'm afraid.   I do want to write further and hope to have something new  in the coming months.

Thanks so much for your support!

Lady Alchymia

Miranda posted a comment on Sunday 21st September 2008 4:39pm for Chapter-27 — The One

I've really enjoyed your story. You make Harry a really believable teenager. Will you be putting up the next story soon? I started reading it last time and enjoyed it, I hope you'll start soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Miranda,

Thank you very much for your compliments.   I'm not sure when I'll be posting next; I've been travelling for a wee while, but I'm keen to get back into that story too :).

Kind regards,

Lady A

Jay posted a comment on Wednesday 27th August 2008 2:47pm for Chapter-27 — The One

Okay i owe you a review, you are the most amazingest writer ever, is that even a word? never mind. Anyway i just want to tell you that before stumbling upon your story by mistake when i was 'studying' for my gcse's i would never have dreamed of reading a story about harry potter (i would never hear the end of it from my friends) but for some reason i started reading your story on the website ashwinder (what happened to that by the way?) and i would spend hours and hours reading the story, my parents were so happy thinking i was revising, oh well i can blame you if i get bad results - just kidding (i did good!!). Sorry about the long review but hey at least i didnt declare my never dying love for you, which i must do if you carry on writing stories like this, lol.
Bye Jay

P.S I know you said you dont know when youre going to post the next story, but could you give me an idea, pweaseeee -makes puppy eyes-

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello Jay,

I think amazingingest is a most delightful word!   Thank you kindly.   Ashwinder?   Ah... after being hacked one too many times I finally gave  up.   Luckily, I'd been offered a spot here on fanficauthors, so here I be.   I kind of miss that site; it was nice chatting with people in a quiet nook.

Congrats on your GCSEs!     I guess that was a while back .   I love messing with people's study plans.  When I was in school there was no Internet (and virtually no  PCs, actually).  

The sequel to Awakenings is Psychomachia, and I'm not sure when it will start posting.   I want to do things a bit smarter and quicker this time.

Many thanks for your feedback,  Jay  :).

Lady A

Jimbocous posted a comment on Monday 4th August 2008 1:29pm for Chapter-27 — The One

I think you do as good a job as any writer I've seen in capturing the essential confused and conflicted Harry. Really enjoy that, as he seems so much more real in your writing. I still have a vote for seeing Awakenings V1 resurface at some point; wish I'd kept a copy. Flaws and all it was a fun read. Only comment I have on the last chapter was that it would have been good to be refreshed on the prophecy again to see how the final interpretation panned out, as by that time I had forgotten the original text and couldn't recall where it first showed up to reread it. I'd figured out the son part quite a while earlier, but missed the One reference as well, so the significance of the final chapter title was diminished. Anyway, thanks for a great read, and looking forward to the sequel as you begin to post.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

Thank you kindly!   The prophecy was repeated at the end of the previous chapter; can't do much more than that, but I understand how hard it is keeping track of details when you read chapters weeks apart and don't have the paperback in your hand to flick back a few pages.   That was one reason the first draft of summer was so long (other than me just being verbose); because the chapters dribbled out piece by piece, I had lots of repetition of clues and restating where people were and who knew what and when they knew it.   I made a conscious choice to try to stop doing that in the second version, and I think it generally makes for a better read once you have the whole novel posted.   Thanks for the feedback, though.


Lady Alchymia

LeprechaunJV posted a comment on Saturday 26th July 2008 8:26pm for Chapter-27 — The One

Excellent story......
By any chance will there be a sequel.....

Lady Alchymia replied:

Definitely a chance :).   Thanks kindly!

Lady A

cronenus posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd July 2008 6:55am for Chapter-27 — The One

hi, I know I've haven't reviewed in a long time sorry for that, but I have enjoyed the story and am glad to hear you are doing a sequel. ^_^.
I'm looking forward to it posting, until next time may you find the words you need and may they always be great.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Aww, thanks so much!   They're  really  lovely sentiments.


Lady Alchymia  

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 21st July 2008 9:05am for Chapter-27 — The One

Great again to see this here, and the wrap up was nice. Narcissa sure came across as a snobbish...witch doesn't she? Fun to see how Hary figured it out, and loved the ending moment with he and Liz, and can't wait to see what chnges might come with the sequel. Great stuff here!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Many thanks for all your feedback over the course of the story.   I'm glad you enjoyed how the end came together.   (Narcissa is very well named lol).

Kind regards,

Lady A

Poirot posted a comment on Monday 21st July 2008 8:37am for Chapter-27 — The One

Another great story! Thank you so much!

Lady Alchymia replied:

You're very kind, thank you :D.

Lady Alchymia

Alice posted a comment on Monday 21st July 2008 8:08am for Chapter-27 — The One

I loved it! I liked that you cut out the conversation with Elizabeth and Natalie about Elizabeth staying in England. The only part I missed was Apollo and his mom Leto! I was wondering how they were important to the story...

I'm so glad that you'll be starting on the sequel!! Looking forward to how you spin it, with Harry no longer playing piano.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Alice,

Thank you very much for your feedback!   I was rather fond of that Apollo and Leto bit, too, but we may see them pop up again.   Harry won't be playing the piano, but he'll still be taking Light Arts.   I hope you'll enjoy it.


Lady Alchymia

Layne Rich posted a comment on Monday 21st July 2008 5:34am for Chapter-27 — The One

I totally love your writing! I'm looking forward to reading the next one also!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much indeed!

Lady A

brad posted a comment on Monday 21st July 2008 4:30am for Chapter-27 — The One

Ah, the final chapter! I've been waiting to re-read that scene at the end where everything clicks and Remus & Elizabeth get a new lease on life. *Very* nice.

Good old Hedwig ... "giving him quite a piece of her mind". The animals certainly have a large and delightful presence in your story! Hedwig, Frank, Bruce, Cho2 ... :D

A few things getting resolved here ... or set up ... that pesky necklace for Hermione (although by the end of where you'd gotten to with Psychomania Harry's present hadn't incited him and Hermione to elope as I'd hoped :D), the Lupins hanging around Britain, that talk on unforgivables is possibly going to mean something later on?

Great story!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly, Brad.   I'm glad you enjoyed the story.   I'm not sure what it is about animals, but I've discovered they are great assets in storytelling.   Of course, it's handy that they can say and do something entertaining or kick the plot along and  then retreat from the story until they are needed again, but they also allow the human in the equation to receive things they might ordinarily reject from other humans, such as  truth, affection, company.

Many thanks for your feedback and support :D

Lady Alchymia