Content Harry Potter


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 3:31pm for Chapter 11 — Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

Outstanding chapter.


Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much!

Lady A

beauty01021 posted a comment on Saturday 9th February 2008 2:25pm for Chapter 11 — Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

yeah great chapter.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you.

Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 30th January 2008 2:11am for Chapter 11 — Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

This was a great chapter. I love the age lessening potion and the age line! What a great prank to pull on the adults. Especially the ones over 150! That was quite a dramatic change for them. I'm glad Minnie finally got a sense of humor over the whole thing. That was great. It is too bad that Harry hasn't figured out how he really is starting to feel about Susan. I have hopes that he will see the light soon! Thanks for writing. I missed Frank this chapter. He had great commentary. I look forward to the rest of this story. pms

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much!   Cant' let the kids have all the fun, now can we?   I loved having Minerva let her hair down.   I remembered from --  book 1 maybe -- when she got a wee bit tipsy at a feast and giggled and blushed when Hagrid kissed her cheek, so I decided to let her get just a little bit lubricated and see where it went.   I did really love writing the exchanges between her and Elphias.   I was so chuffed in Deathly Hallows when Doge really did turn out to be a schoolboy friend of Dumbledore's (I wrote those scenes way before HBP came out), and I loved having him be utterly disinterested in the real teenage girls, and have this fluffy backstory of having had a crush on normal-age McGonagall ever since she joined the Order.   Harry and Susan are starting to get to know each other better, which is a good first step in any friendship.    Frank gets a wee bit of action in the next chapter :); I'm really pleased you are enjoying him.

Thanks kindly!

Lady A

morriganscrow posted a comment on Sunday 27th January 2008 5:35am for Chapter 11 — Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

Your Harry is a perfect characterization of a 16 year old boy - and clearly reminds me why I disliked them at that age.
All your characters are finely drawn, with distinct, appropriate personalities.
You are a skillful writer. Well done!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Wow, thanks!!   I'm utterly chuffed you feel that way about Harry in Awakenings.

I've a very strong fix on how I received Rowling's Harry, but I know there are millions of other Harrys out there, all subtly different depending upon reader interpretations.   Would Rowling's Harry have broken down if he had to go to gloomy number 12 just a few weeks after Sirius's death?   Would he have gotten close to Lupin had the opportunity presented itself?   Would he have ever given Cho a second chance?   We'll never know, of course.   But it's vital to me that however strange the scenario I dump him in he still behaves like a normal, excitable, annoying, frustrating, self-absorbed, creative, passionate  teenaged boy.

Thank you so much for your most generous compliments; they are very much appreciated!   And for reviewing each chapter, too; I do feel good to know a few people are reading my tale :).

Lady A

3X82 posted a comment on Saturday 26th January 2008 7:59pm for Chapter 11 — Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

Loved V1, and am so far loving V2. Just please tell me you won't stop V2 where you did V1, the missus and I want to know if Harry and Susan ever get together <G>

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there, Mister and Missus,

I definitely won't stop V2  where I stopped V1.

I have big plans for the school year, and I'm keen to get back to there too :).

I'm really pleased you're enjoying both versions, thank you!

Lady A

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Friday 25th January 2008 6:49pm for Chapter 11 &mdash; Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

Again, a nice part, and fun to see Harry get to act like a teenager, a lot more than he seemed to at times, as well as the Cho opening up a can on him scene, still chuckle at that, along with Dumbledore's nose. I guess that makes it worse as for what is coming up for poor Harry soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you, Wonderbee :).   I'm loving writing Harry the teen--such rich fodder for embarassment and mortification, but yes, the party's over ;).


Lady A

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Friday 25th January 2008 6:33pm for Chapter 11 &mdash; Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

"Ankle-Biting Battalions"
When I saw this I couldn't help but remember the House-elves attacking in Book 7 led by Kreacher. So good.
I really liked how you changed things and cleaned up this chapter. I was specially happy to see you kept the scene with Harry sleeping on the ground with Remus. It was always one of my favorites.
Great Work!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you most kindly!

I'm really pleased you're enjoying the edits, thanks!   I was fond of that drawing-room floor moment, too.   Luckily, that scene with the discussion of Harry's security was plot critical, so it was never at risk of being cut, though (as you'd be aware) it did get trimmed a fair bit(!).

As for the Ankle-Biting Battalions ... the Deathly Hallows house-elves were most inspirational, yes, but I must also admit to having a wee smile thinking of what happens to Harry in chapter one of Psychomachia :).


Lady A