Content Harry Potter


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 19th February 2009 8:30am for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

Good chapter.


Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks, Gunny.

Lady Alchymia

brad posted a comment on Monday 23rd June 2008 5:51pm for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

YES!!!! Cho is gone, enter Hermio----

Oh. Right. Susan.



Heh. I'd been looking forward to the scene where the three of them were hung up on the walls :-). Satisfying to see Harry actually get the truth out of Snape, and to see the proof of the protectiveness of his guardian and godmother.

I found the scene describing the reunion of Elizabeth with Natalie and Julius very effective. The first part, with Natalie burrowing under the blanket, was just too damn cute, and Julius's turnaround made everything right. It cleared the air and set things up nicely for the 'get the two together again!' sub-plot.

"The warrior women vanished, melting instead into seven doting doves" - heh. You do have a way with words. And how cool for you to have the first remark between Julius and Remus be sporting related - '178 years!'. Heh.

Had to laugh too at the nature of Harry's "breakup" with Cho. The 'pure' romantic within me would have thought that such a physical liaison *after* dissolution of the relationship wasn't quite on, but I bow to your knowledge of the teenage hormonal sex drive and Harry's inclination to get 'horizontal' - I think that's what you said - whenever and wherever he can. :-)

You mentioned this a week or two ago in an earlier response to a review question of mine:

Ginny *is* only 16, and not a very nice 16 year old (brave and pretty, perhaps, but not very nice). But, to Rowling's credit, she doesn't force a melting, true love moment on us with the adolescent Harry and Ginny. They have sexual tension, but that's pretty much it. We then jump forward 19 years to see them married with children, so I trust that somewhere in those undocumented years, they grew up and truly fell in love.

We are in complete and total agreement. Whew. Mind you, I think of lot of Rowling's self-indulgent self-congratulating remarks in the various interviews, both post-HBP and after DH, are, indeed, efforts to convince fans of how wonderful Ginny and H/G is *in the books* (the phrases "emotional journey", "true equals" and other like tripe come to mind), which makes other fans like me want to push back. Harry and Ginny maturing, growing into something more akin to real love and 'soul mates', in those 19 years following 'After the Flaw'? Certainly possible. But evidence of same in the canon text we all read? Nah. Cheers.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Brad,

Glad you enjoyed the inquest :).   Natalie burrowing into her auntie's bed is very much from real life LoL, and I was always very fond of Julius, so thank you.   As for '178 Years!" ... I  couldn't have two men having a meeting of the minds any other way, now could I? :)   You know, I wrote a  couple of Australian characters in a short story, two mid-twenties men, and managed to  depict a quite detailed deep and meaningful consisting of about three lines of dialogue.   I do love writing men.


Lady A

jakjakattk posted a comment on Tuesday 17th June 2008 3:09pm for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

really nice chapter. I'm glad to see Cho go, she likes the famous harry potter to much, and they way they broke it off, well I could learn a couple of trick from that.LOL
Keep up the hard work

Lady Alchymia replied:

LoL.    I would be tickled to hear  if you ever happen  to succeed in a happy break-up!

Thanks very much!

Lady Alchymia


Prongs1977 posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 9:04pm for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

GREAT! Can't wait for more!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much :D

Lady A

beauty01021 posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 8:48pm for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

yeah greay chaptercan't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly!

Lady A

FireFairy posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 4:25pm for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

I loved this chapter, as usual! My fav part was Harry and Cho both wanting to break up and then kissing in the middle of the field and how Bill assumed they didn't break up! Great Job, please update soon!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you so much!   I'm delighted that image tickled your fancy :).


Lady A

kyoshi posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 3:19pm for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

Great story. I like seeing Harry breaking up with a girl and coming out ahead. Now if you can find him a girl, you'll make my day! regards Kyoshi

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Kyoshi,

Thank you very much!   I think it's fair to say that Harry learned a lot from Cho *smiles*, which may help make him a bit choosier next time.


Lady Alchymia

Mary posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 12:26pm for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

Ok, so I don't usually read WIP's, but this has really caught my attention. I love Elizabeth and Natalie, your characterization (especially of Harry) is excellent, and this is very well-edited. To top all of that off, you finally ditched Cho as the love interest. This is fantastic! PLEASE continue!!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Mary,

I'm glad you're enjoying the story :).   Thank you kindly for your comments on the characterisations; that's most generous of you.   (I don't think anyone was sorry to see Cho go LoL.)


Lady Alchymia

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 11:19am for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

Loved this part. First off, was really glad to see Dumbledore maybe finally acknowledge that Snape and Harry will not get along, and that it's not all Harry's faulf for it. Also loved the Harpies with Gwenog descending on Harry like Valkeries, and that the just knocked Oillie for a loop, LOL. The break up scene was well done, and came off very well, not strained like in some fics I've read. Loved this chapter!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Many thanks for your comments :D.   I'm chuffed you enjoyed all those bits!

Lady A

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 10:26am for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

I liked the cuts you made. I was a fan of that little kitchen sink and Harry's joke about Remus being "tied up" when he invited the Longbottoms to the island but I liked how you did that here better, with Neville being the one that took the initiative to get his parents out of St. Mungo's.
Good work!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

Thank you very much for your feedback; I kind of miss that post-Inquest grumpy Remus scene too :D.   And yeah, go Neville lol.   I like to think they had a good summer together pottering around Neville's garden and getting  all happily muddy  with potting mix.


Lady A

DemonicInfluence posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 9:50am for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

I love this chapter :)

The dialogue felt so natural!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much!   I love writing dialogue.   If only I could control what came out of real people's mouths :D.

Lady A

Kokopelli posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 9:27am for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

Marvelous chapter. Keep writing, I'll keep reading.

JEC (Kokopelli)

Lady Alchymia replied:


Thanks so much, John!.

redjacobson posted a comment on Monday 16th June 2008 9:26am for Chapter 23 — Grand Inquisitions

always a pleasure to see a new chapter of this story; although I was sorry that Susan wasn't in the chapter, because I really like what you've done with the character.

Of course, we got a heeping helping of Frank, so that was a plus! *GRIN*

Looking forward to more


Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly,  Red!

Frank?   Right now, Frank  is all twisted in knots around the banisters in number twelve, worrying that his boy will still be stuck with 'the swan' when he gets home from the Quidditch.


Lady A