Content Harry Potter


noylj posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 10:32pm for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

Harry seems to have many girls interested and he seems denser than lead. So far, he has spent most of his time injured due to Snape with the hormones of an eighty year old castrated man. Do you know what being alone with Nat should be doing to him? So far, Harry has seen that love is really screwed up and people in love do the dumbest things with and to each other. The best he has is the Weasleys and they are a pretty sorry excuse for a married couple--a shrew/banshee and a hen-pecked husband of major proportions. Maybe he should get to know more of his friend's families, unless they are all escapees from a soap opera also.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Any ideas  Harry might have had about  Natalie were squashed by her disinterest in him, I'm afraid.  

brad posted a comment on Saturday 28th June 2008 7:05pm for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

"Chastity Beads" - *snort*. Love it.

And so the focus is brought to bear on Remus and Elizabeth. Enjoyed Elizabeth's nervous primping; Remus's admonition of Harry brought some seriousness into the whole thing (making their imminent reunion all the sweeter!).

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Brad,

Gotta love those Chastity Beads :).   I'm glad you enjoyed the change of pace.   A good deal of this chapter is filler (I don't think that  will shock anyone LoL), but after all the melodrama of the hospital, I kind of wanted a changing gears chapter, easing out of high drama and into romantic comedy.   And I just love having Remus and Harry spend time alone together -- they so need each other.   (As do Remus and Lizzie!)


Lady A

Carol Layland posted a comment on Saturday 28th June 2008 5:29pm for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

Hi, I do like this story and the new chapters are fantastic. You really have no idea how nice it is to find a site where the authors are all well educated in writing and so creative. I just keep coming back.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Carol,

Thank you very much!   I shall pass on your compliments to the other authors :).

Kind regards,

Lady Alchymia

beauty01021 posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2008 7:18pm for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update agian and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you.

Lady A

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2008 7:05pm for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

LOL, loved the parts with Lupin trying to steer the island, it just fits so nicely into the canon world, along with the descriptions and the poor man's theater you had with Remus. Can cut the tension with a knife at times, and can't wait to where we get through to the end, so well can see the sequel. Yes!

Lady Alchymia replied:

I always liked the idea of  being able to drive an island.   There are roots in Greek mythology, of course, and that's why it's in the story, but I must admit to just enjoying the whimsy of it.   Because it's mine, Black Island has always felt so much more comfortable to write about than existing HP sets like Privet Drive or Grimmauld Place or Diagon Alley.   I suppose that was why I did the Black House Blitz early in the summer.   Part of that was to just indulge in magical grand designs, but it was also to help me feel at home in the space, visualising/situating  every room, door, cupboard, etc that was in the house.   But Black Island is my favourite set, and Remus's poor man's theatre was just a pleasure to write, so thank you!

Lady Alchymia

FireFairy posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2008 6:38am for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

Once again, I love this chapter and I can't wait for you to update! Great Job! Update soon please!

Lady Alchymia replied:

What a nice thing to say, thank you very much :)

Lady A

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 22nd June 2008 12:50am for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

This is good. I'm glad Harry bungled his attempt to get Remus and Elizabeth closer together. At least he was able to talk to Remus about the situation. Now of course with Natalie there he has help trying to help Remus and Elizabeth get together. Thanks so much for writing. I always enjoy your updates. pms

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly :).   I do like having Harry getting things wrong  now and then.   I'm glad you're enjoying his journey.


Lady A

redjacobson posted a comment on Saturday 21st June 2008 4:51pm for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

Very interesting chapter, and it seems to be all new stuff, I don't remember reading it before. I have to say, you almost got me interested enough to hunt up a copy of Captains Courageous, because I've never read it.
I loved the description of the Poor Mans Theatre, it really came alive the way you wrote it.

Looking forward to more of this wonderful story.


Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Red,

Thank you for such lovely compliments.   I read Captains Courageous as a young young  thing at the beach one summer holiday.   One of those out of the way beaches full of seaweed and  decomposing holiday shacks and  overgrown cliffs.   I'd curl up in the shady scrub, avoiding broken green bottles and read until the sun disappeared behind the cliffs and the silky grey sand grew frigid.   I found Kipling's accents hard to interpret at times, if I recall, but it was a wonderful tale and I can't think of it without remembering the smell of the sea and the rhythmic sounds of limp surf.

I love to think of poorer Wizarding families like the Lupins and Weasleys using magic in imaginative ways to entertain their children.

Thank you very much for your good wishes!

Lady A

DemonicInfluence posted a comment on Saturday 21st June 2008 12:01pm for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

This chapter was decent. I'm glad this is almost over. Now you can move on to the sequel :)

Lady Alchymia replied:


Lady A

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Saturday 21st June 2008 11:00am for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

running naked through the woods? AWWW, ickle-Harriekins doesn't want to. GREAT story, can't wait for more!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly!   I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Lady Alchymia

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Saturday 21st June 2008 10:16am for Chapter 24 — Captains Courageous

Good chapter. I don't recall if there was much change in this chapter, I think not because I didn't miss any of the parts I loved to read like the dressing down and then the apology and of course the talk about James.
Great work!

Lady Alchymia replied:

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, thanks :).   I do enjoy writing conflict between Remus and Harry, not because I want them to be angry with each other, but because I want to explore them really caring what the other thinks -- and having a good relationship they don't want to risk losing.

Lady A