Content Harry Potter


PadyandMoony posted a comment on Tuesday 25th March 2008 4:59am

I'm so glad you left that last scene there. I always loved it. Well, what can I say. Brilliant as usual!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Aww, you're very kind, thank you!!   A lot got cut, but I just couldn't lose that last scene either :).


Lady A

oso983 posted a comment on Tuesday 25th March 2008 2:41am

I like it. The ending is real funny. I wonder: Will Harry now realise that Cho is not the right girl?

Lady Alchymia replied:

I'm pleased you like it, thanks!   Harry and Cho ... Harry is feeling very fond of Cho at the minute, but you can look forward to some new twists for them  in the next few chapters.


Lady A

Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 25th March 2008 12:40am

Hours and Hours of misunderstandings. Poor Harry. The things that bothered him were not obvious to anyone else. Poor Remus. I'm glad he's getting a laugh out of this finally. It seems Harry is a lot more receptive than he was before. I look forward to where you are going with that. Thanks, PMS

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

Oodles of misunderstandings, yes LoL!!   Poor Harry and Remus indeed!   I really wanted to play with perspective in this chapter, using a rare situation of everyone genuinely wanting to be helpful and managing to  jump to all sorts of wrong conclusions.

Many thanks for sharing your feedback :)

Lady Alchymia

beauty01021 posted a comment on Monday 24th March 2008 11:01pm

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much.

Lady A

morriganscrow posted a comment on Monday 24th March 2008 7:07pm

That was absolutely brilliant!!
The healing with the Patronus and Fawkes was perfect, the scene with Frank just right, and the very last bit with Remus lovely.
So it seems Harry is an Empath? I wonder what other new abilities will pop out?
What is this "Lily's Curse" you speak of?
Does Cho love the real Harry or an idealized version of him that's a composite of him and Cedric?
So many questions! Please update again soon to put me out of my misery!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much!   I'm well chuffed you enjoyed all  those elements.

On Harry's new abilities ...  there is a lot of quicksilver still in his system, which is affecting him, but there is at least one power that will definitely stay with him.

On Lily's curse ... You'll find some clues in Chapter 9, "Sanctuary Surrendered" :).

Cho and Harry ... Cho is certainly genuinely fond of, and physically attracted to, Harry, and right now Harry is feeling pretty fond of her for helping him get out of the Mercurial Waters, but as to whether they are truly 'in love' ... you'll have to keep reading :P.   (But I think you are on the right track with your observation.)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Lady Alchymia

Aelita posted a comment on Monday 24th March 2008 6:50pm

Wow I think that was the best chapter so far! I loved it and I was even laughing near the end! Thanks so much! I loved it so much and I can't wait for the next update! Hurry, PLEASE!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly, Aelita!   A lot of threads intersected in that chapter so it was always a challenge to write and I'm delighted you enjoyed it.


Lady A

burtikus posted a comment on Saturday 15th March 2008 9:54pm

Just found this story yesterday, and I've really enjoyed it so far. Thanks for your hard work on this. Can't wait for the next update :)

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Burtikus,

I'm really pleased you like the story; thank you very much!!

Lady Alchymia

Immortalitis posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2008 10:23pm

Holy hell this is good!

"You burnt ice...what's that like?" Harry asked.

"You should know. You did it to yourself" Ron replied testily.


A lovely story so far, and really sweet.

Except for C-hoe :D

Keep it up.


Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Immo,

Thank you very much; I'm really pleased you like the story!   Burning ice is certainly no fun :).

Lady Alchymia

Patches posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2008 3:14am

Wow! Very descriptive. What an ordeal. Harry is having a tough time but at least there are a lot of people trying to help him. That is good. It is really interesting that Harry was able to interact with Frank Longbottom. That was good for Harry and Frank. I can understand why Harry would have liked for Neville to be able to interact with his dad as Harry had. I'm glad that Elizabeth talked to Harry about his mother. He hasn't had a lot of information about Lily so this was good. I like the way you are writing this story. Thanks for writing. I look forward to the next chapter. pms

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly :).   It is a horrible ordeal, but you're right, everyone is trying their best to help him.   I'm glad you liked the interactions between Harry and Frank Longbottom--we'll be seeing quite a bit more of Frank L in an upcoming chapter.   I feel the same way about Harry and Lily -- he never got to know her really (at least not up until the seventh book).

Thanks for sharing your comments and for you compliments!

Lady Alchymia

DrT posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 2:47pm

Poor Mirabella! I forget if you fixed her in the original story (I think so); if not I hope she's fixed here!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Good for you, worrying about poor Mirabella!!!

We often forget the small characters and she did have a very hard time, too!   We will be seeing more of her during the rest of summer :).

Lady Alchymia

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 2:30pm

Interesting, and again, the parts with Harry being able to somewhat talk with Frank and Alice makes this so worth reading by itself. Wish there'd been some resolution with them in canon, but like so much stuff, it seems to have been taken away. I always liked the story about Liz visiting the Evans home, and Lily playing the joke on her, as well as Liz's getting her back.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Wonderbee,

It's very generous of you to rate the Longbottoms' scenes so highly, thank you!   I also wish we saw more of them in canon, though I must say I was very satisfied with Neville's development of the seven books, especially in the Deathly Hallows climax (!).   And the TV reception thing was good fun to write about.   (I did want to  give Hermione some relief!)

Many thanks for sharing your feedback!

Lady Alchymia

yentila22 posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 1:46pm

I was so pleased to see your update. Your story has me enthralled and the chapter was over too soon.

Thank you for giving Harry some respite by sending him to Frank Longbottom. The memories that they are sharing are a wonderful peak into Harry's baby days and a chance to see Frank as more than a broken man.

Looking foward to your next update!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much indeed for your kind words!

I so relished the opportunity of spending time in Frank Longbottom's mind, to see him, as you say, as more than a broken man.   I've such a soft spot for dads.   We've not done with the Longbottoms just yet; I hope you enjoy what's ahead.

Many thanks!

Lady A

scribbler posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 12:44pm

What a wonderful, powerful chapter! I really am deeply impressed by what you've done here. Your story has complexity, powerful emotions, evocative imagery, and is wonderfully detailed. It has made my afternoon to read :)

You are an amazingly talented writer and I can't say thank you enough for what you've given all of us :)

Congratulations on another great contribution to HP fanfiction!!


a/k/a the_scribbler

Lady Alchymia replied:

Dear Edmond,

Thank you so much for your very generous compliments.   I'm delighted you enjoyed reading the chapter.   I've read it so many times (in editing) that I no longer have any idea which elements  are potentially gripping and which are ho-hum, so it kind of startles me (in a very nice way) to get comments such as yours.

Many thanks,

Lady Alchymia

beauty01021 posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 12:43pm

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update agian and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much.

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 7:19am

Good editing.
You managed to bring Frank and the memories earlier.
I see you cut that memory about Sirius suspecting Remus. Will you bring it up later or did you decide to take it off?

Good work!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly!   The memories were so hard to let go, and, yes, there have been some big cuts there, but I'm pleased to say there are actually some new things coming up (compared with V1).   I hope you enjoy them when you see them :).

Lady Alchymia

morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 12:37am

What a bloody mess! Poor Harry!
At least Cho didn't throw up or faint, so I guess she's not so bad.....

Lady Alchymia replied:

Poor Harry, indeed!!   Cho is certainly being tested in this terrible mess.


Lady A

beauty01021 posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 7:18am

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update agian and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much.

Corinne posted a comment on Saturday 23rd February 2008 7:27pm

I really like how you are going over this story again I like both versions,but I must admit this one seems a bit more clearer not so over run and I am certianly lookign forward to reading more along with the sequel keep up the good work

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Corinne,

I appreciate the vote of confidence, thank you very much!!!

Lady A

Aelita posted a comment on Saturday 23rd February 2008 10:53am

WOW! This chapter was really good, I liked how Harry actually didn't want some of the girls there but the misinterpreted! I thought that was funny, though I am not sure you meant it to be! Please post again as soon as possible, this story is awesome!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much, Aelita!   I'm glad you found those bits amusing :).


Lady A

DrT posted a comment on Saturday 23rd February 2008 6:15am

I'm sure the hospital section will be cut down considerably; going well so far!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks, Dr T!

Yes, there have been (and will be) plenty of hospital cuts, but it still feels too long to me.   Ah well, I keep needing to tell myself that that's just were the action is right now.

Lady Alchymia