Content Harry Potter


brad posted a comment on Monday 21st July 2008 4:30am

Ah, the final chapter! I've been waiting to re-read that scene at the end where everything clicks and Remus & Elizabeth get a new lease on life. *Very* nice.

Good old Hedwig ... "giving him quite a piece of her mind". The animals certainly have a large and delightful presence in your story! Hedwig, Frank, Bruce, Cho2 ... :D

A few things getting resolved here ... or set up ... that pesky necklace for Hermione (although by the end of where you'd gotten to with Psychomania Harry's present hadn't incited him and Hermione to elope as I'd hoped :D), the Lupins hanging around Britain, that talk on unforgivables is possibly going to mean something later on?

Great story!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly, Brad.   I'm glad you enjoyed the story.   I'm not sure what it is about animals, but I've discovered they are great assets in storytelling.   Of course, it's handy that they can say and do something entertaining or kick the plot along and  then retreat from the story until they are needed again, but they also allow the human in the equation to receive things they might ordinarily reject from other humans, such as  truth, affection, company.

Many thanks for your feedback and support :D

Lady Alchymia

drkjester posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 12:19pm

I just found your story recently and was so glad to read it. Your style is always fun and a joy to read.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks so much -- that's a lovely thing to say.


Lady Alchymia

Tanydwr posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 10:53am

A wonderful story. I'd caught onto the fact that Harry was the son who Elizabeth brought death to, but I'd forgotten about monkshood poisoning Elizabeth!

I loved Harry's confusion over buying Hermione's present - "She definitely had a neck." Lovely, although possibly seen before.

And the last couple of lines were wonderful - just the right sort of humour.

Looking forward to the sequel.

Keep up the good work, you've got a great balance of humour and seriousness.

Lol, Tanydwr

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much indeed!   I'm glad you enjoyed the story :).

Lady Alchymia

brad posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 12:51am

Enjoyable chapter as always, and upbeat as well, smug kneazle with tail 'high in the air' and all :-)

It took me hours to get the image of Ron and his Donald Duck floatie out of my head. I just thought you'd like to know that.

Had to laugh at your portrayal of the meeting between Ron and Natalie, 'curves' and Donald equally endearing to the other. Thataboy Ron! Leave Hermione available! :-) Setting things up for that wonderful wolfsbane brewing session at Hogwarts.

The bit about Voldemort *legilimising* Harry at the Ministry, and not 'possessing' him via other, more evil means, seems new to me?

Very touching scene with the wolf and Harry as Harry kept watch over him. You really got the two very close in this Part 1.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Brad,

Sorry about Donald LoL.

Ah, now the bit about Voldemort refers to the initial appearance of him in the Ministry and the affect his presence had on Harry.   That passage in OOTP is open to interpretation, of course, but my reading of it is that Voldemort didn't possess Harry until later, after his duel with Dumbledore.   At that point, Voldemort 'disappears from the hall' and Dumbledore looks really  scared for the first time, looking around frantically, trying to see him,  and only then Harry is fully possessed.   My take is that Voldemort Apparated his body to safety then returned in astral form to possess Harry.   Whereas back at the beginning of the passage, when Harry and Lestrange are yelling at each other, Harry's scar suddenly goes nuts and, whilst immobilised, hears Voldemort say to Lestrange that Harry is telling the truth about the prophecy being smashed 'I can see it in his worthless mind' (or something like that).   And during this time, Harry remains frozen in agony, unable to speak or tear his eyes from Voldemort until Dumbledore distracts him.   Anyway, in my story,  when Remus is analysing Harry's dream about him feeling powerless and unable to move, and Harry recounts his encounter in the Ministry (that he 'couldn't even move' in Voldemort's presence), they deduce that Voldemort had been holding him under a mind-reading charm.

I'm glad you liked the wolf and Harry.   I really love writing Harry and Remus (in whatever forms they take :) ).


Lady A

LJG posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 7:38pm

Excellent! Loved the first version, but this one is great as well! I've been waiting for the end scene for quite a few chapters, now and it was well worth the wait!

Looking foward to seeing the 2nd part, too. :)

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you so much!   (And I'm delighted that you liked  both versions :).)

Kind regards,

Lady Alchymia

Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 3:32pm

I had been waiting for them to figure it out -you had given us enough foreshadowing.

thanks for an excellent story and hours of great reading

warm regards

Lady Alchymia replied:

You're very welcome, Ken!

Thanks kindly,

Lady Alchymia

beauty01021 posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 2:30pm

great ending to the chapter.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly!

Lady A

SassyFrass posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 12:15pm

That was a great ending. I loved the part about The One knowing how to duck.
I hold out hope that it will become a Harry/Ginny pairing in the next story.
Good job with everything.

I love Frank.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much!   I really enjoyed writing Frank -- he always got to say exactly what he wanted to :).


Lady A

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 10:21am

Wonderful! Great story.

Rather abrupt ending. But I'll forgive you for the sequel.

Excellent work. You can be very proud.

Tom A.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly, Tom!

Lady Alchymia

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 9:08am

This is great. I am so thankful Hermione seems to say just the right things to Harry to trigger these moments of inspiration. I am so glad that Remus and Lizzie are released from the curse of that prophesey! That is great. I look forward to Psychomachia. Thanks for writing. pms

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much, Patches :).   I've appreciated your feedback.

Lady A

Tumshie posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 8:41am

Thanks for writing your wonderful story, I am looking forward to reading your sequel

Lady Alchymia replied:

You're most welcome, Tumshie.

Thank you!

Lady A

kate19 posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 8:10am

the only thing i have to say is: PERFECT!!!!!


Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much, Kate!

Lady Alchymia

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Saturday 19th July 2008 7:34am

I really enjoyed rereading this and hope to continue reading the sequel soon. Thanks for a wonderful story!

Lady Alchymia replied:

You're very welcome!!

Thanks kindly,

Lady Alchymia

Erin Sutherland posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 1:56pm

Wow, is this the Green Tablet? I've been looking for this stuff for ages!!! Still as good as I remembered!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly, Erin!   The Emerald Tablet is the overall title for  my two separate but related stories Awakenings (summer after Y5) and Psychomachia (school year Y6).   I'm glad you found me again *smiles*.

Kind regards,

Lady Alchymia

Mesterio posted a comment on Wednesday 9th July 2008 1:25pm

I was wondering if Harry would eventually tell anyone about his sleeping wanderings...

Lady Alchymia replied:

Ah, well, in terms of who knows what: Cho & Neville know that Harry has the ability to possess people.   Both of them believe that it derives from  Harry's time in the bath.   Neither of them really know whether it's a permanent ability.   Harry also confessed to Remus about Kreacher, but he  (Remus) has been thinking of it as a worrying but random event.   (Not even Harry is really sure what was happening to him that last time with Kreacher and Megaera.)   As for any future wanderings, you shall have to wait and see where Harry's curiosity takes him *smiles*.

jakjakattk posted a comment on Tuesday 8th July 2008 7:48pm

it took a while to get to where I could read this. You have done a great job on this chapter. I have all kinds of ideas of where it is going to go next. I can't wait for the next chapter, because I hope that harry will sit down with his family and explain the prophecy.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much indeed!   I like that you think of Harry as being with his family with the Lupins :).


Lady Alchymia

wwwendy posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 9:01pm

YEAH! I hope Harry's interpretation is correct. I thought that he might be 'the son'.

hmm, was the fact that she was poisoned shen she was experimenting with the wolfsbane potion for Remus count?

oh, I so want them to have a happy ending.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello there,

You'll be finding out more soon :).


Lady A

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 5th July 2008 8:10pm

This is really good. I really enjoyed the way that Harry and Natalie worked together to get Elizabeth and Remus back together. It looks like Ron is really getting involved with Natalie. What will happen when she goes back to Canada and Ron goes back to Hogwarts where Hermione is? I'm so glad that Harry was able to take care of Remus. I hope Harry's interpretation of the prophesy is right. It would sure relieve Remus and Elizabeth minds about having children. I thought the extendable ear scene with Remus was great. Can the wolf sense and even see Harry's soul when he does Astral Travel? I look forward to more of this story. pms

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

I'm glad you enjoyed the teen cupids' machinations :).   Natalie is definitely going home to Canada, but we haven't seen the last of her.   Ron isn't too sure what he wants right now -- or perhaps I should say he's just not thinking too far ahead.   And I'm glad you liked the Extendible Ears -- those Weasley twins are just full of good ideas.   The wolf can sense but not see Harry's soul, and  Remus can too (to a lesser extent).   Whilst Harry was in the hospital, Remus didn't really notice Harry drifting  off whilst in the bath because, at that stage, Harry wasn't conjuring a full corporeal astral  body (he didn't start doing that until a few days later), and Remus wasn't generally in the room watching Harry sleep by then.    The first time Remus felt something unsettling was when Harry went completely nuts when he first heard the request from Dumbldore that he help  Snape take credit for trying to kill him.   At that time, Harry's emotions were so extreme (and his body so weak) that his soul started to rip from his conscious body (which isn't good), and Harry's body went into shock and Remus  was frantic not knowing what was going on, but it was all over quite quickly.   In the drawing room at the end of this chapter was really the first time Remus (in human form) was both relaxed and in the presence of Harry's corporeal spirit, so he didn't really know what (if anything) he was feeling.

Thanks kindly for your feedback :).

Lady A

Fate posted a comment on Saturday 5th July 2008 5:44pm

Excellent chapter!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much!

Lady A

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Saturday 5th July 2008 1:22pm

Aww, Harry didn't get to be embarrassed by their snogging.
As usual, good work. This flows well, even if you did take the snogging and the talk about James work out. Though I think this works better.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Yes, Harry did escape that anguish --  LoL   I'm gratified you feel the flow is working better.   Thanks kindly for your feedback.

Lady Alchymia