Content Harry Potter


FireFairy posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 12:21pm

Love it, thats all I will say, just love it especially the end! Great job and I can't wait for the next update!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly!   I'm glad you enjoyed Harry playing matchmaker.

Lady A

redjacobson posted a comment on Friday 6th June 2008 2:07am

cute chapter; and, if memory serves, things are moving a bit faster with Remus and Elizabeth this time around.

looking forward to more


Lady Alchymia replied:

A bit faster?   Bless you.   LoL, yes, I'm trying hard to do a better job with pacing.

Thanks kindly,

Lady A

darthloki posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 9:20pm

*laughing* Manipulative child.

Lady Alchymia replied:


I'm glad you liked it.   Harry's  feeling very chuffed with himself right now.


Lady A

Fate posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 5:48pm

Loved the ending!
Wonderful chapter!!

Lady Alchymia replied:

I'm delighted you enjoyed it -- there isn't nearly enough cackling in the world :).

Thanks very much,

Lady Alchymia

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 2:33pm

Really liked this part, with a peace given to Harry and Remus that they were denied by JKR imo, and it was nice to see how the way things are going on black island here, and can't wait to see how things change on it for the rest of the story.

Lady Alchymia replied:

I appreciate that, thank you :).

Lady Alchymia

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Thursday 5th June 2008 7:22am

Great chapter. I liked the changes you made at the beginning and of course I loved to reread Harry's manipulation!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much :).   I'm finding Elizabeth much easier to write second time around.   I think the first time I was too preoccupied with justifying her existence.   I kind of got over that eventually *smiles*

Lady A

beauty01021 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th May 2008 12:23pm

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update agian and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you.

Layne Rich posted a comment on Tuesday 27th May 2008 6:58am

Excellent! I thoroughly enjoy your writing!! Thanks

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much for your compliments, Layne!

Lady Alchymia

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th May 2008 2:45am

A very good part, liked the changes with Kreacher, and the scene with Neville and his father was bitersweet, but at least you gave Nev hope, something that JKR seemed bound and determined not to have happen, (wonder if she was angry at the reaction to Neville, and took it out on him in her writing?), and will be curious to see if there's a little different part when Harry confronts Snape at the hearing this time.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Cheers, Wonderbee!

I'm pleased you liked the changes.   The Longbottoms after the bath was never in serious jeapardy of being cut.   I, too, would have loved to see more of the family in canon.   I don't think there is too much different in the hearing (shorter, but not particularly different).

Thank you,

Lady A

morriganscrow posted a comment on Monday 26th May 2008 4:37pm

The scene with Kreacher and Maegara was so good, I felt Harry's horror and the Elf's despair, and the last part with Nev and his parents had me all misty eyed.
Excellent writing.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you, that's most gratifying to hear!

Lady A

fountaam posted a comment on Monday 26th May 2008 4:17pm

I like the Kreacher change, and I wonder if you are adding more myth to the story, in the future.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

I'm really pleased you liked the changes with Kreacher.   This chapter was very difficult to write (technically) as it required messing with the timeline of everything going on in the hospital.   There will be more on mythology coming out in the overall story.


Lady Alchymia

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Monday 26th May 2008 3:07pm

For some strange reason it was very hard to finish reading this chapter. Something got into my eye causing it to water, just like the first time around!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Very strange that  *smiles*

Thank you,

Lady Alchymia

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Monday 26th May 2008 11:31am

Yay! I was afraid, several chapters ago, that Frank had died when he rejected Harry. This chapter gives me hope (which is something that JKR never did.)

Thank you for a great story and I'm looking forward to more.

Tom A.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there, Tom :).

I know you were patiently hanging out to know what happened to Frank, so I'm delighted the Longbottoms' thread gave you hope for Neville and his family.

Many thanks!

Lady Alchymia

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Monday 26th May 2008 8:48am

Great chapter. I really liked the changes you made with Kreacher. I'm interested to see how that will affect the rest of the story now that he didn't die. Good work!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much for your kind words.   Kreacher has pretty much done what he needed to do during Summer, and that is something  I didn't deliver on very well in the first draft, which was to drive home the seductive allure of righteous fury, and where it can lead.   Ironically, him not dying turned out to be more useful  in servicing that plotline.

Many thanks for your feedback!

Lady A

martha harris posted a comment on Thursday 22nd May 2008 6:11pm

I read version 1, and I'm sooo glad I did because I hate waiting to see what happens!!!! love this version; I'm glad to see Harry/remus becoming close, but I missed the Remus feeling like a dad and Molly scene in this one. Go Remus/Elizabeth, and update soon!!!!!! Is there going to be a sequel? I remember seeing one before, so I hope so because I really love this story!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Martha,

I kinda miss that proprietary-Molly scene too :).   I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Thanks kindly,

Lady A


Anthony May posted a comment on Wednesday 14th May 2008 11:19am

Oh, I love this story but it's killing me (In a good way) I can't stand when I get to the end! I need updates! Great Job, Great Chapter, Great Story and Great Author! - Erik A. Wiggins aka Anthony E. May

Lady Alchymia replied:

LOL, cheers, Erik.

abraxis posted a comment on Tuesday 13th May 2008 5:03am

I just discovered your stories through a friend who gave me copies of the first version of this and Psychomachia. I was very upset that you hadn't finished the series but when she said that she thought you were re-writing it, I googled you and found you again. Hurrah. I've requested notice of your updates.

I think the re-write of Petunia's part at the beginning is much better. I really couldn't connect with her having any "soft" moments about Lily or with Harry. I like the switch from piano to guitar and Harry's stumbling around learning on his own rather than being given Lily's talent and being an immediate musical genius. It's more human and "just Harry" that way - not something more that's 'abnormal' about him. I'm hoping that you are going to concentrate on his art as his 'Light Arts' talent.

Didn't miss the absence of the 'girl's bedroom' scene (except maybe one of the girls getting trapped in that fluffy bed - funny that one). Harry was losing a bit too much of his shyness there - kind of OC really.

Happy that Frank survived in all his snippy glory.LOL Really love Frank and wouldn't mind at all if he gets a lot more 'stage time' in this version. He's really a great 'voice of wisdom' both about Harry's love life and his dogmatic concentration on everything but his own health and wellbeing. I hope that Mirrabelle (sp) returns intact as well.

I also like the way you're handling the clues to Moldyshorts' hideout location. I think locating it is going to be a lot more clearly explained here than would have been possible in the original. It's also going to have a greater personal impact for Harry as well. (If anyone but you reads this, you may have a lot more requests for the original text to find out what I'm talking about. Hee Hee. Without it the clue is still totally obscure here, as it should be.)

I think that your re-write has been excellent so far and look forward to more.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

Many thanks for your detailed feedback!   It's very helpful.   A lot of the things you mentioned bugged me from the first draft, too.

All of Harry's pets are great fun to write, but I must admit that Frank is my fave.  

Kind regards,

Lady Alchymia

Carol Layland posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 6:22pm

You are such a good story teller. This last chapter is wonderful. It does seem though that by this time Harry should be getting to a point that he should be entering Physical Therapy to help with the residual effects of being burned and then spending so much time in a liquid suspension to heal the burns. Some sort of drying out of the liquid metal that was in the suspension.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Carol,

Thank you kindly for your compliments (I love it when English teachers find something of merit :) ).   Harry does dearly need some 'drying out', but that'll happen with a good dose of rest, fresh air and exercise.   (It's magic, remember.)


Lady A

beauty01021 posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 11:32am

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you.

Patches posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 1:21am

Wow! Harry is having a bad time recovering. He needs to get stronger even if it means he can't astral travel as much or at all. Remus and Lizzie really need to talk turkey to each other. They keep sending mixed signals to each other and misunderstanding the others reactions! Harry can see how they feel and he started to see one of his dreams! That is pretty telling. I look forward to more of this story. pms

Lady Alchymia replied:

Harry really is having a hard time!   This is very true.   And the Lupins aren't doing much better right now.   I'm afraid things miay get worse before they get better.


Lady A