Content Harry Potter


gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 11th May 2008 7:58pm

*grinning widely.*
I love this story on so many levels, although i do miss some of the quirks of the 1.0.
Today, i revel in all the misunderstandings and misconceptions they all live under, as they really make me feel smart and superior. OK, i read the 1.0 so i have the inside track, but still, it's nice to feel clear-sighted and smart.


Lady Alchymia replied:

LoL   I'm delighted to  enable your revelry!   It's a lovely compliment to be re-read, and I do think of people re-reading, knowing they'll notice certain things that might have slipped under the radar on the first reading.


Lady A

Aelita posted a comment on Sunday 11th May 2008 3:54pm

I love this chapter as always! I really like how Remus and Elizabeth really dont know how much each other cares. I also love how you manage to inject humor into every chapter, my favorite part was when the trio were plotting ways to spread the rumor and thought of the punchbowl bit, that had me going back and reading it three times cause I was laughing so much! I think Frank is great and what he says and sings is sooooo funny. Great job on this chapter, I Cant wait until the next update, please update soon!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you Aelita, that's most kind of you to say.   Humour is so important -- and hard! -- so I'm very glad you got a giggle from this chapter :).   And I'm glad you're enjoying the Lupins troubles.   Frank is enormous fun to write; it was such a nice journey of discovery, learning  how to create an observer character.

Kind regards,

Lady Alchymia

redjacobson posted a comment on Sunday 11th May 2008 2:48pm

I'm enjoying this story just as much the second time around, although, I have to agree with your prior reviewer, can you please, please knock Moony and Lizzie's heads together really soon?

Also, can you please jetison the hosepipe? I really don't like Cho! I'm anxious for Harry and Susan to buy a clue, hell, I'm sure that Frank would be happy to provide a clue for the two of them.

Speaking of Frank, I'd forgotten just how much fun that goofy snake is! I think you should do an entire story about the adventures of Frank the Snake and his Boy Harry! *GRIN*


Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks for your feedback, Red :).  

(Frank would be delighted to take top billing.)

Lady A

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Sunday 11th May 2008 7:59am

Great chapter. It didn't change much from the original but the small changes you made were perfect.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much; I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Lady A

morriganscrow posted a comment on Sunday 11th May 2008 6:56am

Can I bash their heads together?
Pretty please??

Lady Alchymia replied:

Be my guest!

Tykegirl posted a comment on Thursday 8th May 2008 2:38pm

I have been steadily working my way through all the authors work on this site. Today I arrived at you. This is really very well written.

I really like Elizabeth but could live without Cho.

Keep up the good work and I will now be waiting for your updates with eager anticipation.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly for your compliments!   I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Lady Alchymia

Carol Layland posted a comment on Wednesday 30th April 2008 5:05pm

Hello, My name is Carol and I just now discovered your story. I am quite keen on HP and so I spend much of my time searching for well written and we composed stories. When I first read a story I read the whole thing in order to get the picture and story line well in my mind. After that I read and review each chapter. As I am a retired English Teacher I have to say that reading your writings is a complete pleasure. It is interesting and certainly one of the best I have read. When will you post the next chapter?

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello Carol,

Thank you for your lovely compliments.   The next chapter isn't too far away :).

Kind regards,

Lady Alchymia

Aelita posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 6:34pm

I loved the part where Harry was teasing the healer, I was laughing hysterically! Another great chapter and I can't wait for the next update! I think the funnier the better!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Excellent!   I'm delighted you were laughing during the Psycho-Healer bits :).   I'm glad to say that there are a few fun bits coming up next chapter.


Lady A

morriganscrow posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 3:44pm

Lovely chapter. The emotional intensity is amazing, as is your ability to sustain it and progress the story at the same time.
Your mastery of dialogue is remarkable - each character's "voice" is so true!

Lady Alchymia replied:

You're very kind, thank you :).

I love writing dialogue--too much so LoL.   I think new writers sometimes struggle with making characters' spoken  words feel natural.    I think it helps to try to recite the words in your mind, and I have a strong feel for  the characters' speech patterns and inflections whilst I'm writing.    It's also  easy to fall into the trap of using dialogue to deliver info-dumps.   My advice, for what it's worth, is to never give a character a  line of dialogue unless *they* have a personal reason for saying it.

I'm most gratified you felt the chapter had both intensity and progress.   It's something I struggle with--ie, finding a way to get both happening at the same time--so thank you very much!

Lady Alchymia

oldman posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 3:26pm

Thank you for continuing the story. It is very sad for the reader when authors drop a story and then even after a long time don't say they have stopped. So please keep it coming. You write a multi layered plot very compellingly. I am enjoying the read a lot

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much  for your kind words, I'm delighted you're enjoying the story.

Lady A

DrT posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 2:50pm

Yes, 'go Moony' indeed!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Glad   you agree :).

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 2:30pm

That was a fun chapter, if only JKR had taken the time to go into such rich details at times like this, with the characters, instead of spending so much on other things. Liz is coming across really well to Harry, and should be fun to see how things go next time. Fun to see Hermione and Ron in the roles they play, and thinking that the two of them are acting as a lot better friends than they came across in canon at times, as they seem to be maturing.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly, Wonderbee!   I think JKR had plenty of detail LoL.   But I know what you mean in that it is fun to explore side-characters like Remus Lupin and various teens that never got too much chapter time in the books.   I'm pleased you're interested to see what happens with Lizzie and Harry, and writing the Trio together is always great, great  fun.


Lady A

Patches posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 1:13pm

This is very good. I am so glad that Remus is getting closer to being back together with Elizabeth. They need eacj other. I am so glad Harry is doing better and the occlumency is really helping already. Thanks for writing. I look forward to the next update. pms

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much, Patches :).

I think Remus and Elizabeth need each other, too, *smiles*.   As for the Harry's  Occlumency, it's early days, but  he's certainly feeling more in hopeful that from Snape's 'lessons'.


Lady Alchymia

PadyandMoony posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 12:10pm

Great chapter. I liked the Psycho-Healer visit being moved forward and how you changed the flow in this chapter. I was sorry to see the Great Bat story go but well, something had to go.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

Story flow is something I'm working hard to improve, so thank you very much!   I'm sorry about the Great Bat story, but, as you say, some things had to go.

Many thanks!

Lady A

beauty01021 posted a comment on Monday 28th April 2008 11:09am

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you.

animehime posted a comment on Sunday 27th April 2008 1:35am

I'm really enjoying this. :) I especially love Frank the Snake! XD He's adorable. I want my own Frank. lol I'm not overly fond of Cho though. >_< But then, I didn't even really like her all that much in the books. So, nothing new there. ;) I quite enjoy the Harry and Susan interactions though.

Looking forward to when you get a chance to update!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

Thank you very much for your kind thoughts.   Frank is great fun to write; he has no shame and is such a great busy body when the mood takes him.   The next chapter should be up very soon, and we'll see some more of Frank--and Susan, too!--in a few chapters.

Many thanks!

Lady A

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Friday 18th April 2008 3:59pm

WOW! Great so far, can't wait for more!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you very much!!

Lady A

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 18th April 2008 7:46am

OK, that was strange. Harry has very limitted ability to affect Cho's dreams as compared to the dreams of the crazy people.

But when is he going to go back to Frank and help him? And can his gift actually do anything for him?

And what happened between Liz and Remus?

Quibbling minds want to know!

Thanks for the update!

Tom A.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Tom,

Yes, very strange.   Harry is finding that possession is quite different between healthy minds and those of the mentally ill.   If I could put it this way: rational, ordered thoughts create a natural barrier, and will naturally reject 'foreign' thoughts (just like the body of a transplant patient might reject a new, perfectly  good  organ), whereas a confused or injured or emotionally-fraught mind is more vulnerable.   There'll be more on this in the next chapter when Harry receives some help with Occlumency.

When is he going to go back to Frank?   Excellent question!   All will become clear in a few chapters.   Can Harry's gift help Frank?   An even better question; you'll have to decide that for yourself -- it might actually turn out to be the other way around.

What happened between Lizzie and Remus?   *smiles*   I can't say too much, but the very next chapter is titled 'Elizabeth', so you can expect to get some more clues.

I love quibbling minds LoL.

Thanks, Tom!

Lady A

Infin1x posted a comment on Thursday 17th April 2008 1:32pm

Well that was uncomfortable and rather creepy. Having a conversation with the mind healer patients who can't usually communicate is one thing; putting that much effort into forcing your girlfriend to have dream sex with you...

One upside is we now know why Harry is such a moody bastard.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Very creepy *nods*.   I'm glad things are becoming clearer.

Lady A

beauty01021 posted a comment on Thursday 17th April 2008 12:30pm

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks very much.

Lady A