Content Harry Potter


Nytefyre posted a comment on Tuesday 9th April 2013 5:00pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

This is a really good start.. I hope there's more sometime. Thanks for posting!

GBTtown posted a comment on Monday 17th December 2012 12:50pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Great story. I hope you find your muse and finish.

beauty0102 posted a comment on Thursday 5th July 2012 3:46am for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

please please update can't wait for a new chapter.

Snag posted a comment on Monday 19th September 2011 5:32pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Whew. So, I read this nearly all in one gulp, and I do hope you come back to it one day. Your setting descriptions alone make this a really fun read, especially the magically enchanted objects and the way they behave towards their assorted witches and wizards.

Tremma posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd February 2011 2:45am for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Hi. I've just read awakenings and just went on to psychomachia. I've really enjoyed both stories and was wondering if were planning on continuing it? Thanks for a very enjoyable read. You are a very good writer.

Abraxan posted a comment on Sunday 5th December 2010 9:18pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Have you given up on this charming story? I'd love to read more! Pretty please???


Madmax posted a comment on Friday 26th February 2010 12:13am for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

I just read through your first story Awakenings and the first four chapters of this story. Your story is very unique, well written, and one of the best uses of OC characters I have read.

You have a wide variety of exceptionally well thought out concepts and I can not wait to see where you take us.

I do not write many reviews, but I believe this work to be exceptional and just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your writing.

LeprechaunJV posted a comment on Thursday 17th September 2009 11:50pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Update soon..........

NitaPotter posted a comment on Thursday 13th August 2009 2:10pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Hello there!!

I finished reading Awakenings, and now I've started this one!! I'm so enjoying your work!! Your story has so much humor in's a refreshing change to all the heavy angst I normally read!! I look forward to more of this really good story!!

Best wishes...Nita

ClaMiAl posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd July 2009 4:57pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

A very nice start to the sequel. I can't wait to read more!

Chris posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd July 2009 12:06pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Great story, read the first part, and I'm looking forward to your next update of this part.

dianaflyer posted a comment on Saturday 11th July 2009 12:26pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Luv the story! .. I'm not the most patient of sorts. I was wondering if there was somewhere to reread the previous version? Ya know so we can compare greatness? I'm not getting any younger either and well memory is usually the first thing to go! :)

kdsmashedpotatoes posted a comment on Tuesday 7th July 2009 11:26pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

I adore this story, especially the unique view into Harry's character. It always makes me laugh at how embarrassed he gets or when he does something that is so incredibly "Harry"; I must say, marvelous job.

I can't wait to see what happens to our hero next, especially when he finds out what bacioni means... :P

Though it'd be great if he was a little less clueless and FINALLY fell in love with Susan... Cho was such a bimbo.

Anyway, thank you so much for writing this story! I just spent a couple of hours rereading it back through Awakenings because I was bored, and it was so worth it. Keep up the good work!

Ed Guttierrez posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd June 2009 8:03pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical


bee posted a comment on Wednesday 10th June 2009 5:52am for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

just wanted to thank you immensly for writing such a brilliant fan fiction, ive read quite a few and im enjoying yours so much, only disappointment is not having more to read!
thought making susan bones a major character was really original and also love how much you ve expanded j k rowlings world
the only problem i had was believing snape to be such a miserable prat, i always had hopes that he wouldn t necessarily be good, just that he was a grown up and him and harry would sort stuff out hahah
anyway merci beaucoup, je vous envoie un petit bon chance!

whatareyouevensaying posted a comment on Monday 25th May 2009 1:49pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Brilliant series, I can't believe I hadn't read your works before! I've spent the last few days catching up, and I'm beyond impressed.

Looking forward to more.

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Sunday 3rd May 2009 5:12am for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Even better than the previous. I particularly liked the first chapter, but the question remains as to how that small seed will grow.

HPfan posted a comment on Friday 1st May 2009 12:54pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Please update soon! This story is the best one I have read and I can't wait to see what happens next.

TMBGiants posted a comment on Monday 13th April 2009 8:12pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

Another brilliant story. I love how you can put the characters out of their usual situations but still make them seem so in character. Reading these chapters brings back fond memories of reading all this when it was posted before. Please hurry up and post the next chapters!

Potters Muse posted a comment on Tuesday 31st March 2009 12:27pm for Chapter 4 — Oribel the Whimsical

I'm already moved way past the 5th chapter on and your own site. Why is this so far behind?