Content Harry Potter


TMBGiants posted a comment on Monday 13th April 2009 8:12pm

Another brilliant story. I love how you can put the characters out of their usual situations but still make them seem so in character. Reading these chapters brings back fond memories of reading all this when it was posted before. Please hurry up and post the next chapters!

Potters Muse posted a comment on Tuesday 31st March 2009 12:27pm

I'm already moved way past the 5th chapter on and your own site. Why is this so far behind?

Liz posted a comment on Wednesday 18th March 2009 2:37pm

i looked all over fanfiction for this, but couldn't find it. it took me forever to find this site, but i am glad i did. it is one of my favorite fanfics.
any future chapters or have you moved on from this story?

snowpuppies posted a comment on Friday 13th March 2009 12:15am

To be honest, I don't read a lot of gen/het fanfiction, being more a slash/femmeslash fan, but I just love this. I loved it before at Ashwinder, and I think you've done a good job with the editing, particularly with the sections where Harry was in the mercurial water - it all flows very nicely, has a good, interesting, and engaging plot, and it's got a great blend of 'romance,' friendship and family.

Can't wait to see this continue. :)

Anthony May posted a comment on Tuesday 10th March 2009 8:41pm

I really enjoy this story. The idea of pairing Harry up with Susan is one that was new to me. The way you are slowly developing their romance makes it wonderful and real. The innocence of the two allows us to see that Voldemort can't steal all of Harry's childhood. Is it wrong for me to want to skip to the first kiss? Of course I couldn't, the teasing and anticipation is half the fun and noone does it better than you! can't wait for the next chapter.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Tuesday 10th March 2009 6:20am

And I mistook bacioni as the name of an Italian painter. Now I know.

Great chapter; from the purification, to the Light Magic to the time with Susan. Beautiful.

Thank you so much for the story.

Tom A.

leanne posted a comment on Monday 9th March 2009 11:46pm

Enjoyed the new chapter. Harry seems to be almost realising his feelings for Susan, as his jealousy for Justin shows & his trying to impress her with saying something 'clever & witty'. Harry is not good with girls, but I hope he doesn't take too long to admit his feelings for Susan.

noylj posted a comment on Monday 9th March 2009 6:08pm

I thought bacioni was a term for wine that has a big burst of flavor...a big kiss of flavoe. Why would Susan react to a wine term? It isn't like Harry gave her a bacioni on the lips or anything. If there is a romance planned between the two of them, it is certainly a very slow moving one. Why do so many magical people seem to have no hormones and no intense love?

The Shadow posted a comment on Monday 9th March 2009 5:45pm

You could update this twice a day and it would never be enough. Please don't make us wait too long for the next chapter!

millie johanson posted a comment on Monday 9th March 2009 2:27am

Hello, I have enjoyed your story and I don't know where your story is going yet I like the fact that the first yrs are brave enough to try to help Harry I hope The Headmaster doesn't make them feel like it doesn't do any good that they all are trying to help Harry.

Also you asked for out comments, Just one will this be a Susan and Harry story?????

Not that I mind as it is your story but I am such a H&G fan It just makes sence she doesn't put up with his bad moods as with the 6 brothers she knows how to handle them. And Harry needs to be handled.
I like Frank too. Some how I thought he liked red heads.
Oh well just like you to know.

Keep up the good work.

Will finish other ch tonight.
Miss Millie

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 5:57pm

That was a sweet chapter there; really enjoyed how things went with Oribel's class there, and the way that the tools and other things have their own form of life. I know I say this a lot, but you bring a life to the world JKR created that she never was able to imo. Can't wait for the next part and what'll happen when Mooney writes back to Harry.

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 4:56pm

Poor Professor Oribel. To a goblin the smell was probably magnified. I'm glad Harry was able to help her and his classmates out. I'm also glad he was able to help Daphne out even though it wasn't as good as he was able to do for everyone else. I like Professor Oribel but she needs to learn to get her students attention and hold it with an interesting subject. More to the point I guess. I'm glad Harry stayed and asked her if he could stay after class. Giving him and Susan the password was really good. I'm glad Harry got to spend some time with Susan even though he made a little bit of a fool of himself. That was very good. I look forward to more of this story. Thank you for writing. pms

beauty01021 posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 1:07pm

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thans kindly!

Lady Alchymia

Quizer posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 12:13pm

Pretty interesting. Astral travel isn't done very often in Harry Potter fanfiction, which is a shame. People should try harder to come up with unusual powers for their heroes. I'm looking forward to more of this!


Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello there.    I'm glad you are enjoying the story, especially the fiddly magical bits.


Lady Alchymia

HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 11:39am

More Clueless indeed! It means KISS you moron! Of course I'm moronic as well but I've got the www at my disposel and that is the 'World Wide Web' and not 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes'.
That Oribel, quite a romantic little Goblin, isn't she. Think I'm gonna like her.

Susan & Harry?! No My Lady, not Susan! I need feisty, fiery Ginny at Harry's side. Justin may have Susan, they sound fantastic for eachother.

So....did Hermione and Ron muppeted along all day? Did she wack him like Miss Piggy did? Miss Piggy Parfume? Really? You did get a bottle once didn't you! No need to blush my dear Lady, then again porky piggy pink might be just your colour * LOL *

I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. No food or drinks were spitted out but I decided against eating at my desk when I saw your update. Just a precoution you know.

First I thought you were having us on with your gems and stones like you were with "Nostrilamus" but "Labradorite" does exist. *LOL* I keep seeing the georgous gigantic choco Labrador of my best friend in my mind.

I hope you will grace us with a new chapter soon but take your time for creating another brilliant tale.

Until next time, take care. C

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

You are right on the money about Bacioni -- "Big Kisses"!   And  I think 'romantic' is a great adjective for Oribel; she adores art and music and is a sucker for courtly love.

Justin and Susan?   Now that you mention it, Ginny has something to say on that very topic in a future chapter.   As for Harry and Ginny -- ah, well Ginny is going out with Dean right now.

Did Hermione Hi-YAH Ron?   She really wanted to LoL.   Did I get a bottle once?   Sadly, no. It'd be quite a collectors' item, don't you think?

And, yes!   All the gems and  stones are perfectly real (though the magic I attribute to them may not be).   Funny you should mention Labradorite ... it's said it slows the aging process and we'll be seeing it again in the course of the story :).

Many thanks for your feedback!

Lady Alchymia

Slythendor posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 8:40am

This is soo bloody hillarious!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly :).   I'm glad you're having fun with the story.


Lady Alchymia

DrT posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 7:56am

I still think Oribel is a really great OC

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you kindly, DrT :).   It probably helps that Oribel is  a novice teacher and also from a different species (quelling  fears that she might steal Harry's heart and kill off Voldemort for him).   I like writing her.


Lady Alchymia

Carol Layland posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 7:48am

Hello Lady Alchemia,
What a lovely chapter you have here. Whimsical is a very good description of the whole chapter and not just a description of one character. I think that Harry will definitely benefit from a bit of whimsicality. I did enjoy this chapter. thank you for it.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello Carol,

Thank you kindly!   I do enjoy odd and silly things, as you may have noticed.   There is far too little whimsy in this world :).   I find it odd that that there is this glorious magical sandbox in which to play and yet people will keep  fixating on sex and blowing things up (which, one must  say,  rarely require magical assistance).   I love all the weird and whimsical  things that fill Rowling's stories, and I'm always tickled when I can add a few treats  of my own.


Lady Alchymia

Grozt posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 7:37am

I really loved this chapter... KU KU KU. professor Oribel is the greatest professor ever.... but i kinda missed frank so i do hope to hear from him in the next chapter....

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

I delighted you enjoyed Oribel the Whimsical, thank you!   And Frank would greatly appreciate knowing he is missed :).


Lady Alchymia

brad posted a comment on Sunday 8th March 2009 6:10am

Well, a nice enjoyable chapter, although not one of the more climactic ones. But how could it be, with Hermione missing from beginning to end?

Oh, shucks; this was going to be my Hermione-free review. I was going to prove that I could do one without mentioning her. Well, maybe next time. Although this might well be the only chapter which doesn't feature her at all?

I guess the Boji stones are going to play a part in Harry's astral travelling. I'll have to pay more attention to them this time around.

1.34 points - I'm bemused too. Oribel is delightful!

I have to admit that Susan's pretty cool; picking up that Harry wanted to chat, sitting down and giving him time, "do you reckon we can go downstairs now". Yeah, well, she might be okay, maybe, possibly, perhaps.

A nice read for the very end of the week! Thanks for the new chapter.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Cheers, Brad!    You can look forward to Hermione having some fun with Harry next chapter.   The Boji Stones are worth keeping an eye on, and I'm pleased you like Oribel (and Susan, possibly, maybe, perhaps :) ).

Lady Alchymia