Content Harry Potter


HGRHfan35 posted a comment on Saturday 14th February 2009 3:48am

Cor, that was so brilliant! I've got stomach ache and, hopefully, more toned abbs after reading this gem. I hadn't heard that Dixie song in years, I must say that I live in a country where only country lovers even heard of them, so I listened to it while reading that bit. LOL.
Poor Ron, he's brilliant in his own way, just not in the obvious way.

The first bit confused me a bit. Frank listening to someone making him, he thinks, nice treats but he hears it through the floor suggesting it's a parselmouth he's hearing, but that does not have to be Harry. Does it. What have you got up your sleeve this time. Frank can wish all he wants about Susan, Ginny's still the one for me. :) Although your Susan is soooo lovely.

The Penis-Plant was brilliant (I saw one 11 years ago in our botanical gardens), they are not really pretty but boy, they really smell horrible. Like mixing skunk, rotten eggs and a decomposing item all together *if you could see my face now*.
My my, this turned out to be quite long. ooops.

Until next time, take care. C

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

I am dead impressed with the idea of someone getting a six-pack workout whilst reading LoL.   Wonderful!   I'm delighted you found some fun with that Dixie Chicks song -- thanks so much for sharing that with me.

I'm glad you felt for Ron!   And I like the way you think -- he does have his  simple but effective moments of inspiration.

I'm afraid that the bit at the begining with Frank is just him hearing Harry when Harry was talking to the first years in the previous chapter.   At one point, when the kids cry, 'Nox', and everything goes black, Harry slips down to the landing and talks in Parseltongue to give them a bit of a scare (by reciting his chicken casserole recipe).

I'm so impressed  you already knew about the Amorphophallus Titanum!   You're right; they absolutely stink LoL.

Thanks so much for your feedback!

Lady Alchymia

brad posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 11:53pm

You know, you really are an evil author. Or I'm a masochist. Maybe both.

It's *just remotely possible* that you might recall my one or two or maybe more whinges about how this story could win a literary Nobel prize if you changed it to entail a H/Hr romance. How you write them both so beautifully. How it *hurts* to read them in your novel knowing that Harry only has eyes for the damnable Susan Bones, may there be a pox on her and her bountiful cleavage (if I recall the forthcoming scene in the library. Funny how I, a male, remember things like that).

Still, once I manage to read the chapter I usually assuage the pain by writing a (passionate) review. After venting much of my fury I can then stagger away, at least partially healed from the ordeal of reading a Lady A. update.

So what do you do to me<DEL><DEL> us? Rewrite your story from scratch. Forcing me to peruse it all over again. Suffering anew the almost-but-not-quite-romantic H/Hr you seem to pack into every second page, it seems sometimes. The little signs of closeness - if not intimacy - which just BEGS to flower into a full-blown romance down the track. Argh!!


I can't help it. You write all of these characters so nicely, their acting their ages so well, it's so entirely *natural* the way you write it ... and entertaining/amusing ... but, due to my fandom H/Hr bias, I can't help but particularly appreciate the interaction of our hero and my girl Hermione. And cry for the H/Hr potential that is going to waste. I need help. Is there a 'H/Hr anonymous' club I can join? I'm free any night other than Wednesdays, that's when I have to attend the SOBS (Sick of Bones, Susan) meetings.

Anyway ... and I'm sure I said this last time ... I just *loved* the 'foot hug', that is just so cute/nice! I couldn't help but note how an 'anxious Hermione' awaited Harry in the common room. Harry's instant awareness of the cessation of Hermione's smile, picking up on the cue to reassure Hector. All these signs that, were I reading a story resident on (that noble H/Hr site which keeps the fandom shining bright), would have me wriggling in my seat, squirming with delight, anticipating the romantic climax sure to come and capitalise on all of that prior H/Hr bonding fuel.

I know I'm not deluded, I'm not imagining things. I can't help but see how good these two are for - and with - each other in your story ... even if my natural urge is to want them to discover something else in each other. Wah!!

Other than Harry and my girl it was a thoroughly enjoyable chapter packed with other good stuff. Ron's snarkiness. The 'more clueless' badge is a *classic*. The multi-hued maggots growing on me by the second. A couple of references to Hermione and "her boys", I love that Trio reinforcement. Some lovely Luna ... you take care of her, okay? May I suggest you break up Ron and Natalie, give Ron to Luna - since you're possibly continuing the canon clues from OotP, HBP and DH that she was attracted to Won Won (and he found that she was 'growing on him') - which, oh, surprise! Will leave Hermione available, fancy that ...

> "Harry, *please*!" Hermione begged with remarking sincerity (Harry really thought she should give acting a go).

Is there any chance that she'd forgotten the ploy of detentions and wasn't play-acting? I guess not ... this *is* Hermione, after all, and Harry had told them about it only shortly before. Wow, everything else and she can act too! What a gal!

Was the 'little prince' in the first version? I don't remember any passing of wind that 'knocked out the entire class'. Given that Hermione is in that number I would think I'd have noticed if it was. :-)

I'm also wondering if you have evil plans for the plant's pheromones coming up. I mean, you did naughty things with paint, this seems like an accident waiting to happen! Could any evil author worth her salt let the chance for a botanic barrage of base lust pass her by?

Always glad to see an update from you. Sometimes I get maudlin about some of the fanfics - including a few of the really excellent ones - that have been abandoned, or looking like same. Glad this excellent tale is still proceeding; and thank you as always for your effort in keeping us entertained.

Lady Alchymia replied:

*Chuckles* I do believe the  cleavage was modest, but feel free to embellish as you read.

That foot hug is just for you :).   I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter (in spite of missed opportunities with the lovely Hermione).   And Luna is always a pleasure for me to write.

I can confirm that Hermione *was* acting.   And the Little prince was definitely in the first version (and knocked out the entire class).   Have I evil plans with pheromones?   You betcha LoL.   I love your phrase 'a botanic barrage of base lust'!!

Thanks muchly for the feedback!

Big hugs!!

Farvista posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 10:28pm

Ouch! Okay, that last bit made me laught 'til it hurt. Spit wine all over my keyboard...

Lady Alchymia replied:

Excellent!!   LoL   Thanks for sharing that with me :).

Lady A

mwinter posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 9:44pm

Well so far so good. Looking foward to your next posts.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly!!   I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Lady Alchymia

Lon Huey posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 9:13pm

Aw, ya hafta love the little maggots.

Lady Alchymia replied:

You do indeed!   LoL   Thanks!

beauty01021 posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 7:21pm

yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again nad soon.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Thanks kindly!

Lady A

Carol Layland posted a comment on Friday 13th February 2009 6:23pm

hello Lady Alchymia, I do like the way you think and write. It seems that this chapter contains a little bit of everything from pathos to comedy and I love it. I guess that Harry needs to learn how to handle children since he got into such a problem with them and now he is hung by his own petard. I do love it. Thank you for this wonderful chapter.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Carol,

Thank you for your lovely thoughts.   I must admit to just loving writing Harry and kids.   I'd love to write him trying to babysit a few toddlers.   You'll want to keep an eye on the young ones :).


Lady Alchymia

Alice posted a comment on Thursday 29th January 2009 10:35am

Here I am again! I don't think I generally review very often but I am a faithful reader of your stories. I can't count the number of times I've reread Awakenings, both the old version and the new one! I was so very glad to see that you updated because I absolutely loved Psychomachia the first time around. You have a knack for capturing the characters so perfectly and giving them even more depth than they started out with. I absolutely loved the bit where Amanda asked if there was enough in the bottle for two... You wrote Ron perfectly as well! I can just imagine him being angry at Harry like that. Harry's speech to the firsties definitely made me giggle a few times, like when he said McGonagall was usually smarter! Looking forward to your next update!

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello Alice,

It's so nice to hear from you :). And thank you for your lovely compliments.

Amanda is one of my favourite wee first years.   There's a Hufflepuff goodness in her that (for me) trumps the flashiness of Gryffindor courage.   The Gryffindors  agreed without hesitation in  'going out in sympathy' with Willow--in doing the right thing--but it was a Hufflepuff who showed them what the right thing was.   Gryffindors get all the kudos for being brave (and often rightly so), but they are just as brave about doing wrong as  doing  right.   I think it's the Gryffindor who has a good dollop of Hufflepuff (justice, equality, empathy) in him that is the one we really admire as being a 'true Gryffindor'.

Poor Ron.   He will get his own back :).

I'm glad you enjoyed Harry's speech; when he said that McGonagall was usually 'smarter than that' [in sending him for the first years], much giggling occured in the Great Hall.   The lady herself, sitting at the high table,  rolled her eyes then glared impotently at Dumbledore, who stifled a chuckle behind his jeweled goblet.


Lady Alchymia

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Thursday 29th January 2009 6:10am

That was great. Loved Harry's introduction for the first years.

One confusing thing -- the first paragraph: Why is Harry entering the train through the window?

Thanks for the story.

Tom A.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Tom,

Thanks kindly for your compliments!

Harry was wriggling  back through the window because he'd just waved goodbye to the Lupins at Kings Cross Station.   And I think it's a good pickup as being confusing because I don't mention that until a few paragraphs down.   I'll look at making that first paragraph clearer.   Thanks!

Kind regards,

Lady Alchymia

millie johanson posted a comment on Wednesday 28th January 2009 11:07pm

This is going to be such a great ride thanks for taking me along.
Ch 1 was a delight I hope for more ch like this Harry and the first years. Harry and Ginny always looked out for the younger ones In most of my stories I read as they know what it feels like to be the youngest and forgotten or left out. Thanks for the laughs, I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.

Miss Millie I'm looking for an author Milygo of HP and The Final Battle Thanks again for the great ride.

Lady Alchymia replied:

I am delighted for your company on the ride, Millie!   Astute points about empathy.   Harry especially has a knack for feeling empathy for others.   Thanks so much for your feedback!

Lady Alchymia

brad posted a comment on Wednesday 28th January 2009 6:35pm

So pleased to see part 2 up and running! And commencing with one of the best HP fanfic chapters I've ever read!

I know I've perused this chapter before (several times) and posted reviews, but every time it's worthwhile. This time I think I saw something I hadn't noticed before:

> I’m so glad you survived another summer

Heh. That's our Luna. :-)

Just a brilliant talk between Harry and the maggots - I love reading it every time - and finishing so wonderfully, "Is there enough in that bottle for two?". I love these kids sometimes. There's a 'goodness' in most of them, under your pen, that makes reading your work a real joy.

Since you're starting this sequel again from the beginning, would you suppose it would make a difference if I came out from the start lobbying hard for Harry/Hermione instead of Harry/Susan? Forget the Hufflepuff! Gryffindor squared for the win! :-)

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hey Brad :)

You old sweetheart, I'm glad you enjoyed Harry's adventure in the cavern (again! lol).   I always appreciate hearing your feedback.

There are few characters in HP that are as fun to write as Luna Lovegood.   Rowling really invented a delightful girl there.

I wrote a wee bit about my take on eleven-year-old's in my response to Clell65619 earlier, and I think Luna epitomises for me that rare girl who retains the very best bits of 11 as she grows older.

I just loved what you said about the maggots having a goodness 'under my pen'--that's just such a beautiful thing to say, thank you!

Harry & Hermione?   Lobby away LoL.

Big hugs!


Concealed Convict posted a comment on Wednesday 28th January 2009 4:18pm

Sheer brilliance. Love it! Please update soon; I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story progresses. Keep up the good work. It's just a pity that so many people won't read a story just because it isn't M or NC-17. This story is brilliant and would get so many more reviews, which never hurt. Already checking the email inbox for an update.


Lady Alchymia replied:

Thank you so much for your delightful compliments :).   It's true not many people review my stories, but that's okay.   They're still fun to write :).   And it makes me especially appreciative when people do take the time to drop me a line.   So thank you!

Lady Alchymia

kate19 posted a comment on Wednesday 28th January 2009 11:36am


i loved reading emerald tablet and psychomachia before you started to rewrite them!! but what i hope most of all is that you will continue psychomachia. it's a very good story. and i like reading it and rereading it!


Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello Kate,

It never fails to blow me away when someone  re-reads my stuff.   Thank you for sharing that with me :).   And thanks for hanging in there for the second story!


Lady A

Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 28th January 2009 1:57am

This is such a good chapter. I love Harry's talk to the first years. That was brilliant. Of course Ron might have reason to think otherwise. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. pms

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello there!

Thank you very much for your kind comments.   And good for you for thinking about poor Ron!   I hope you enjoy the rest :).

Lady Alchymia

Clell65619 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th January 2009 7:13pm

- Brilliant, this chapter is just wonderful. Harry's dealings with the firsties was poetic.

- I have no idea how I've managed to miss this story. Thank you.

Lady Alchymia replied:

I have never before been called poetic.   I am seriously chuffed.

I'm so pleased you enjoyed Harry with the kids.   Eleven is just a glorious age.   You know, it's said that a woman's self-esteem peaks at the age of eleven or twelve then sharply declines throughout adolescence and young adulthood, and that she only comes close to reclaiming the wondrous heights of 11 after about age 40.   Men fare slightly better.   Both genders at 11 are prone to worrying about little things happening to them, like being late for class, or catastrophes happening to them, like losing parents or the world ending, but other than that they're wonderfully can-do and generally appalled by all that is ill with the world.   And they have just the right amount of confidence (and just enough lack of life experiences) to believe that any problem can be solved.

Okay, you probably don't care about that lol, but such things were much in my mind when constructing my little set of first years.

I'm glad you found the story :).

Lady Alchymia

Kym posted a comment on Tuesday 27th January 2009 4:43pm

Hello LA:

I am so happy you have started reposting! I thought the Emerald Tablet had a lot of overall charm but Psychomachia has charm and flow. Looking to enjoy it all over again.


Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi Kym *smiles and waves*

I appreciate that, thank you!! Flow is something I'm really trying hard to improve.   I  have a woeful tendency to  write myself into cosy cul-de-sacs.

Kind regards,


Von posted a comment on Tuesday 27th January 2009 9:59am

Oh NOES! All the other chapters are gone again!! :D

Oh well. Such a shame.

At least my favourite part - the maggots - was ready and splendid!!

Really awesome stuff.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hello there again!

Thanks very much for hanging in there :).

Lady Alchymia

Bob Officer posted a comment on Tuesday 27th January 2009 1:18am

Having your voice broadcast to Hogwarts
worth lots of sickles

"Ask Snape about being gay"!
Absolutely priceless.

Please do continue.

Lady Alchymia replied:

LoL just so!   Thank you very much!

Lady A

Malimber ConDoin posted a comment on Monday 26th January 2009 11:44pm

That was bloody brilliant and on the fan-o-scale you get 5/5. This has got to be the bestest sorting speech ever. I have been rereading and rereading this fic constantly and so far this has been my eleventh read and I am still cracking up. Now for the best part the sorting and the sorting hat response to the Hufflepuff response of the first years to that hair job. I am going to be on pins and needles waiting to see the response to Harry’s first year speech and Professor Snape response to the 'gay talk'. I commend you for a brilliant fic and eagerly await your next update.

Lady Alchymia replied:

Hi there,

5/5?   Excellent!   I'm delighted  you enjoyed it that much.   Eleven times--wow!   I'm deeply flattered :).

Thank you very much indeed for sharing your feedback with me.   I hope you'll  like the next installment.

Lady Alchymia

fountaam posted a comment on Monday 26th January 2009 11:48am

The Harry sorting speech from this chapter is one of my favorite scenes in this whole fandom. :)

Lady Alchymia replied:

Awww, what a lovely thing to say!   Thanks so much!

Lady Alchymia